Fiesta en la madriguera | Events at Fox Tucson Theatre

This event occured on May 22, 2024 and is no longer on sale.

7:00 pm

Fiesta en la madriguera

Down the Rabbit Hole


A film by Manolo Caro
(Mexico, 2024, 102 min. In Spanish and English with English subtitles)

Immersed in opulence and culture, ten-year-old Tochtli revels in his eccentricities, from his love of hats and dictionaries to his fascination with samurais, guillotines, and all things French. Despite his lavish lifestyle, darkness looms over him due to his father’s criminal pursuits. Yet, Yolcaut, portrayed by Manuel García Rulfo (renowned for his role as lawyer Mickey Haller in The Lincoln Lawyer), indulges his son’s every whim, even if it means acquiring an endangered Namibian pygmy hippo for his private zoo.

Based on the celebrated debut novel by Mexican author Juan Pablo Villalobos and adapted by Academy Award winner Nicolás Giacobone (Birdman), Down the Rabbit Hole delves into the dichotomy of privilege and peril. Directed by acclaimed Mexican writer-filmmaker Manolo Caro, known for Tales of an Immoral CouplePerfect Strangers, and the popular series The House of Flowers, this satirical dramedy navigates the complexities of Tochtli’s world with poignant precision, offering a compelling exploration of innocence and corruption within a realm of extravagance.



Una película de Manolo Caro
(México, 2024, 102 min. En español e inglés con subtítulos en inglés)

Inmerso en la opulencia y la cultura, Tochtli, de diez años, se deleita con sus excentricidades, desde su amor por los sombreros y los diccionarios hasta su fascinación por los samuráis, las guillotinas y todo lo francés. A pesar de su lujoso estilo de vida, la oscuridad se cierne sobre él debido a las actividades criminales de su padre. Sin embargo, Yolcaut (interpretado por Manuel García Rulfo), satisface todos los caprichos de su hijo, incluso si eso significa adquirir un hipopótamo pigmeo de Namibia en peligro de extinción para su zoológico privado.

Basada en la célebre primera novela del autor mexicano Juan Pablo Villalobos y adaptada por el ganador del Oscar Nicolás Giacobone (Birdman), Fiesta en la madriguera profundiza en la dicotomía entre privilegio y el peligro latente. Dirigida por el aclamado escritor y cineasta mexicano Manolo Caro, conocido por La vida inmoral de la pareja idealPerfectos desconocidos y la popular serie La casa de las flores, esta comedia dramática satírica navega por las complejidades del mundo de Tochtli con una precisión mordaz, ofreciendo una cautivadora exploración sobre la inocencia y la corrupción dentro de un ámbito de extravagancia.


The Fox Tucson Theatre is proud to partner with Cinema Tropical and the UA Center for Latin American Studies to present the Cinema Tucson series, featuring some of the most exciting, celebrated, cutting edge, and record-breaking, contemporary pieces of film from Mexico.  This nearly monthly presentation of works is guaranteed to be a rewarding and memorable experience, unprecedented and unduplicated anywhere within our region.  Many screenings feature conversations and Q&As from the directors or other members of the creative team.  Regardless of the title, these opportunities are not to be missed. Tickets are only $10!

(For English subtitles, click on [CC] to turn on subs + the settings button to then “Auto-translate” them).