A Musical, Cinematic Journey through US and AZ History 2024 | Events at Fox Tucson Theatre
10:00 am

A Musical, Cinematic Journey through US and AZ History

Give your students a highly unique—and historical—experience of history
…with a spooky flair…

It’s hard to imagine, but before TV and the Internet people learned about current events in the world by going to the movie theatre.  There they would get a window into the happenings of the day via news reels, which were shown alongside movies and cartoons.  Frequently, these were musically accompanied, live, with a theatre organ.

Students can now experience something like this for themselves! Through a combination of suitably spooky comedy film clips, cartoons, historic photos, and newsreel footage, students will get their own window into the early 1900’s of the United States—from the rise of cinema to the Great Depression and World War II.  They will also glimpse how kids just like them, living in Tucson and coming to the Fox, experienced these aspects of history. Students will enjoy it all in the historic Fox Theatre and with historically authentic, live music!  An acclaimed theatre organist will be on the stage, sharing about the mind-blowing Mighty Wurlitzer Theatre Organ that has been restored to the Fox and playing it to accompany the film segments.

How better to get a taste for history than in such a historical way!?

Note: this year’s version of the show will be different from the one in ’23-’24.  It will have a similar structure and local historical content, but the movie/cartoon/newsreel clips will be updated. 

Learn about the organ and the organist students will experience: