#IMOMSOHARD began as a popular web-series by real-life best friends, comedians, and moms Kristin and Jen, sparking an online community of 2 million followers. The videos have received nearly 300 million views worldwide in just 5 years. The phenomenon created by Kristin Hensley and Jen Smedley has since been nabbed for development by Warner Brothers TV. The comedians have sold-out two national tours, written a New York Times Best Selling autobiographical book and children’s book with Harper Collins, began hosting a top comedy podcast, landed branded deals with Fortune 100 companies, and taped a standup comedy special for Amazon Prime Video, launching the network’s first standup comedy platform. Kristin Hensley and Jen Smedley are based in Los Angeles and can often be found selling pizza slices for the PTA or working as parking enforcement at school drop off.
VIP tickets available! Options available at checkout.
– Preferred Seating
– Meet & Greet with Kristin and Jen
This show is age restricted to 18+